Dear Shipowners.
Alow me to present my self.
I am former Chief Engineer with long experience on different types of ships, Cargo, Tankers, Supply and cruise ships.
I have managed two Catamarans for 250 passengers, Aurora 2000 and Kommandøren in Panama. In addition I managed one cargo ship,
MV Karl. All as CEO of Marineserv Ltd, registered in Panama. In the time of running this company I was living in Panama between
2007 and 2018 when the ships mention above was sold.
In 2018 I returned home to Norway where I started a new company registered in UK and named Ship Consultant Henrik Aspevik,
with the aim of doing ship and ship equipment inspections and repair. So far I have done three inspections on cruise ships,
one in China, Grande Spring, and two in USA, Grand Celebration and Grand Classica. The reason I aim to do ship inspection
and repair for customers are my long experience on ships as mention above. To give more specific my experience in the field,
I like to explain more acurate below.
I started my ship experience in 1963 as Engine Boy and Oiler on a tanker ship named Holmgard owned by Stamer Rederi, Bergen,
Norway. My later experience on ships from Motorman to Ass. Engineer over 15 years period where I also was working shore side
on the shipyard, Bergen Mekaniske as welder, Plumber and lathe machine worker building and repairing ship and ship equipment.
On same company I was also working on the department of Bergen Diesel, and production of marine engines for this factory.
I later started my own company, Motorsupply AS in 1980, with overhoul and repair of marine engines and ship equipment
in Sotra, a small community about 1.5 hours drive from Bergen in Norway. With this company I also machined foundry marine
equipment for Bergen Jernstøperi and Frekkhaug Støperi. Do to the fact that my repair shop was too far from city, I had to
abandon location.
In 1987 I started my final education as marine engineer first as 3rd. engineer, 2nd Engineer and 1st Engineer. Finally
in 1991 I finished my education to become Chief Engineer unlimited. After finished education I worked on mostly cruise ships
and expedition ships for Norwegian Cruise Line and International Shipping Partners located in USA.
I believe that someone with my experience shown above would be a valid asset to shipowners and manager with my company
Ship Consultant Henrik Aspevik, Reg. Nr. 115 09 386. Therefore I have made this presentation of myself and my experience
to clarify my wide range of professional quality, and I hope that it does not show like I am bragging or appear as such.
My Engineer certificate shown below expired in 2021, and that was also the primer reason for starting my company as ship
In addition to my practical experience as shown above, I am also well experienced in use of computer and computer programs
like Office, Acrobat and many more business programs related to my work as management operation onboard and ashore, like computer
ship store ordering programs, budgeting and more.
I hope that the presentation above will give proper insight of my experience and the potetial support I can give to any shiowners
and mangers, and also thank you for using your time to read it trugh. I believe I can be very usful for your company and hope
you feel the same. Thank you again for your time.